Friday, July 18, 2008

Why So Serious?

Ahh, at last Friday is here, and last night the biggest movie of the summer and the year, The Dark Knight, was finally released, and finally, I can take the bat out of the bag.

Yes, of course, the movie I got to see on the Warner Bros. lot on Monday morning was indeed The Dark Knight, and it was freaking awesome. Here's my mini spoiler free review.

Like I said, the movie is just so awesome. It's incredibly intense, especially like the first hour and a half. It's not especially gory, but I'd say most people would agree with me when I say that it could definitely be rated R. Kids should not see this movie. In the days since I saw it, I keep remembering parts of the movie that I had forgotten and thinking, "ohh man, yeah, that part was amazing!" The one cryptic thing I've been telling people is there is A LOT to this movie. A big part of me wants to tag another sentence onto that statement, but I don't want to ruin anything for anyone, so I won't.

As for the performances, Heath Ledger is definitely mind-blowing in his role as the Joker. Really, it is true, he rocked this and can you believe there's legitimate talk of him winning an Oscar? I mean, this is a comic book superhero movie...and someone might win an oscar for it for something besides Special Effects and Sound Mixing!

Christian Bale, Michael Caine, and Morgan Freeman are all great, as well, and my mind continues to have no idea how they got so many huge respected actors to come together to make a Batman movie in the first place with Batman Begins. But then again, I've seen that movie, and it is crazy good, so I guess it makes sense.

Maggie Gyllenhaal is amazing, too, and she just pulls you in and whether you liked Katie Holmes in the first one or not, you will not be disappointed. In fact, seeing the character of Rachel in The Dark Knight, I really don't think Katie Holmes could've pulled off what Maggie had to pull off. Maggie Gyllenhaal, you are awesome.

Of course Aaron Eckhart is great, too, with his wonderfully believable tragedy, but I'd have to say my favorite character in the movie this time around is without a doubt Jim Gordon, as played by Gary Oldman. He does a an awesome job, and I would say he is really the heart of the movie and the glue that holds everything else together.

Basically, everything good you've heard about this movie is true. Its on such a different level than any other superhero comic movie before it. Go see it. Go see it now.

I'm going to the IMAX to see the movie again tomorrow morning at 9am. I know it's crazy, but that was the only time we could get okay seats to the IMAX theater. It will be awesome. The IMAX experience sounds amazing.

Why did I get to see Batman so early? Well, at work I've been doing a bunch of random things for the Dark Knight pretty much nonstop for the last month. In fact, they're not a big deal, but if you go to you can see the wallpaper and "Get movie tickets and Showtimes" header I put together for the site. Over at you can see the wallpaper I put together for that site, too.

The coolest thing I did for the Dark Knight was for the official site. Last week on Thursday night the entire official site for the Joker (which crew made) was "Jokerized" by the joker with drops of blood and one-liners written in red scribbled all over everything. It looked pretty sweet. Well, I got to tag and jokerize all of the pictures in the photo gallery and tag all the wallpapers and movie posters in the downloads section. It was a lot of fun, and I guess that means I am partly the Joker. Cool, huh? Unfortunately the site switched back over to its clean, normal version on Monday night, but you can actually see some of the posters I jokerized over on the Dark Knight gallery at

Anyway, time to get dressed and head off to work. I just wanted to finally write about how awesome this stuff has been, because its been super sweet.

I predict the movie to be the biggest movie of all time. Well, maybe not, but it will definitely be in the top 5!

. . .

I am secure enough in my masculinity to admit that I do want to see Mamma Mia, as well. What can I say? I love the musical and the movie looks like a lot of fun.

Anyway, I hope everybody has an awesome weekend.

I love you all. Rock on.


Linds said...

I appreciate the "bat out of the bag" pun oh-so-much.

ktstone said...

Evan(Miller) saw this movie (twice so far) and said it was amazing and that Heath Ledger played the best comic villain in a movie ever. How cool that you were involved (even in small ways)! Brian and I are hoping to see it in a few weeks if we can find some grandparents to babysit!
Katie Stone