So my 22nd birthday is about to come to a close. I can definitely say it's been a birthday to remember, both in good and bad.
I'm not going to go into the details of the bad very much, simply because I don't feel like it. Basically today at work, the dire state of the economy took it's toll in a way no one had expected it to. It was a definitely wake up call, after feeling like the design and advertising industry was fairly protected from economic woes for the past few months. Things really do suck, and they might not get better anytime soon.
My birthday wasn't all horrible news, though.
Today I got some cards, facebook posts, and phone calls from many people I love very much. Thanks to all of you who helped make my birthday great! The best thing I got today, however, came from somebody I don't know, and will never know. On the phone, my brother told me that a package came for me today, and that inside was my lost wallet. Everything was intact, minus the 22 or so dollars that were in it at the time. I couldn't believe it when he told me. How ridiculous. The person probably used some of the cash they found just to ship it back to me! And was it a coincidence that it arrived on my birthday?
These are questions I'll probably never get the answer to, but it's amazing that my social security card, license, insurance card, school id and more are all still there in the wallet. I won't have to go through any of the pain and stress of getting those things replaced.
Over the last week, I've had the idea of someone sending my wallet back to me in the back of my mind, but I didn't think it would happen and didn't want to get my hopes up. The people in this neighborhood really are great people. My good mornings will be especially sincere from now on.
Whoever you are, thank you so much for returning my wallet. You are amazing.
* * * *
Well, I'm going to have to go to bed soon. I just got back from dinner with some of my favorite people in this city: Dan, Kristen, Emily, Joan and Drew. Where did we go to celebrate? Why, the Life Café, of course! Where else would I celebrate?
At the Café, who should walk in but the curly haired guy with glasses from 30 Rock! His name, I've found out, is Judah Friedlander. We didn't bother him or anything, but Emily did take a stalker picture while her camera was sitting on the table. Man, 30 Rock is an amazing show. As we left the restaurant, I couldn't help but sing the themesong to Werewolf Bar Mitzfah, hence the title of this post.
After dinner, we grabbed some giant oreo cookies from this hip east village restaurant that was annoyed by all of us coming in for cookies, then headed home.
Thanks again to all of you. I have some more exciting news I'll be sharing in a few days. Until then, have a great week. I love and miss you all!
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