Sunday, April 26, 2009


I feel pretty good right now.
Better than good, I feel pretty amazing.

My Africa fundraising has been extremely encouraging. Last week I realized I was counting on myself way too much to make this happen. Since then I've been trying to just trust God to provide, not me. Not that I can sit back and watch. I still have to work, too, but the weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and I've been awesomely blessed.

I have a lot of big stuff coming in the next year. I'll have a lot of huge, life-changing decisions to make.

That should and normally would be scary and intimidating for me, but it isn't. I'm thankful for the peace and solid foundation I'm feeling right now. I can't say how long this feeling will last, but while I'm working on building a rock-solid base, the decisions I'll be making and the paths my life could take are all exciting possibilities. The decisions aren't really mine to make anyway.

I want so much to be filled, but before I can be filled, I need to experience my thirst.

I want to be thirsty.
I want to be filled.

. . .

Friday morning I bought my plane ticket to Namibia.
All of a sudden, this is very real.

Here we go.