Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Rising Up

So I haven't written in about a week and I should probably do a little more work before bed, so I won't write too much. Let's see.

I'm coming off of an excellent couple of days. The weekend and the few days before it were absolutely amazing. I was able to spend time with some awesome people, who totally inspired and helped fill me up.

I met with Artie for the first time in probably about 5 months or so and it was great. He's excited for me and the stuff thats going on right now, but challenged me to keep up my momentum. That idea is definitely at the forefront of my mind right now, and I'll be working to figure out how exactly I will keep up my momentum.

Of course now following this weekend, this school week started with some discouragement. Like I was realizing last week, there are forces trying to really mess with me, and I've got to watch out for them. I don't know how to explain it exactly, I think I just found myself over-thinking some stuff and letting it upset me when it totally didn't need to. The worst part is that I let it get to me so much that I was actually not able to be myself in class today. I was just upset, not even at anything in particular, and it was totally stupid of me.

Anyway, I can't help but be reminded of one of my all-time favorite passages, and one of the few I've had memorized for a long time, Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Love it. If it wasn't for that passage, I might not have ended up going to Summer's Best 2 Weeks after freshman year. I didn't think I'd be able to handle being a counselor and a leader there. But I was inspired by this passage and SB2W was amazing,. Hopefully I'll still be able to go back for one more summer after I graduate.

Anyway, I'm through with letting stuff get in the way and discourage me (at least for now, anyway). I rediscovered the wisdom of my man Erwin McManus and listened to a podcast of his today. It was pretty awesome, and I am just so excited to go back to LA and back to Mosaic. Hopefully Erwin won't be on some kind of summer leave the whole time I'm there. Whatever the case it will be awesome.

Speaking of LA, right now I'm getting close to finding a place to live. It will hopefully be with some UCLA students who are friends with someone Nate is friends with. Aren't connections an amazing thing? So the prospect of living with some solid guys in Westwood has me very excited. Hopefully things work out with that in the next few days.

So I know if there's two things I always say in this blog, it's that I'm constantly up and down and that I have been so hugely inspired and supported by all of you. Well, I am still constantly up and down, but the causes of the painful times are changing in a good way.

As for being so thankful for the relationships I have with awesome people in my life, that hasn't changed, if anything it just keeps getting better. Now what I'm about to post will definitely be seriously nerdy. I'm going to give you a link to a song from the guy who's just about one of my favorite composers, Jason Robert Brown. The song is from a musical called "13," which is (surprise) about a bunch of 13 year old kids. The song is called "What it Means to Be a Friend," and although I am not a 13 year old girl like the girl who sings this song, and I can't relate directly to most of what she sings about, I can definitely relate to the basic message of the song: being thankful for amazing friends that support and love you.

You can find the song here. Just scroll down to listen to the clip, you can download it and put it on your itunes for free too. Good deal, eh? Maybe at least one of you will like it, like Andrew Jarrell, you'll probably like it. I didn't hear if anybody listened to the other song link I posted, so maybe nobody will listen to this one. Well, whether you do or not, I'm a fan of it.

The Penguins won on Sunday, which is amazing. We're going to the Stanley Cup! Can you believe it? I'm stoked. Hopefully we take down Detroit, this is the year of the Penguins' triumphant return! Let's Go Pens!

Ohh one last thing, I just watched Stepmom tonight in my room, since Zac and Justine were downstairs watching the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Can you believe I've never seen Stepmom? Well Linds let me borrow it so I had to watch it. Needless to say it was wonderful, and I may or may not have shed a few tears during the last 15 or 20 minutes.

Hey, I hope everybody's doing great. I love you all, even the ones who don't read, know, or care about this blog. I'll go into details about cool stuff happening in a post soon. I hope you all have a great rest of the week!


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